ASP.NET Web API教程 创建域模型的方法详细介绍

 更新时间:2021年9月22日 10:18  点击:1602
There are three ways to approach Entity Framework:
Database-first: You start with a database, and Entity Framework generates the code.
Model-first: You start with a visual model, and Entity Framework generates both the database and code.
Code-first: You start with code, and Entity Framework generates the database.
We are using the code-first approach, so we start by defining our domain objects as POCOs (plain-old CLR objects). With the code-first approach, domain objects don't need any extra code to support the database layer, such as transactions or persistence. (Specifically, they do not need to inherit from the EntityObject class.) You can still use data annotations to control how Entity Framework creates the database schema.

我们打算使用code-first方法,因此,首先把域对象定义成POCO(plain-old CLR objects — 旧式无格式公共语言运行时(CLR)对象。很多人不太理解POCO对象,其实这种对象就像文本文件一样,是一种最简单、最原始、不带任何格式的对象。因此,在各种环境中最容易对这类对象进行处理,包括用各类语言进行处理 — 译者注)。利用code-first方法,域对象不需要任何附加代码去支持数据库层,如事务处理、持久化等。(特别是它们不需要继承于EntityObject类。)你仍可以使用数据注解(data annotation)对实体框架如何创建数据库方案进行控制。
Because POCOs do not carry any extra properties that describe database state, they can easily be serialized to JSON or XML. However, that does not mean you should always expose your Entity Framework models directly to clients, as we'll see later in the tutorial.

We will create the following POCOs:
To create each class, right-click the Models folder in Solution Explorer. From the context menu, select Add and then select Class.
图2-14. 创建POCO类
Add a Product class with the following implementation:
复制代码 代码如下:

namespace ProductStore.Models
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public decimal ActualCost { get; set; }

By convention, Entity Framework uses the Id property as the primary key and maps it to an identity column in the database table. When you create a new Product instance, you won't set a value for Id, because the database generates the value.
The ScaffoldColumn attribute tells ASP.NET MVC to skip the Id property when generating an editor form. The Required attribute is used to validate the model. It specifies that the Name property must be a non-empty string.
ScaffoldColumn(支架列)注解属性是告诉ASP.NET MVC,在生成编辑表单时,跳过这个Id属性。Required注解属性用于对模型进行验证。它指定Name属性必须是一个非空字符串。
注:本文把ScaffoldConlumn、Required等这一类英文中叫做Annotation Attribute的属性(Attribute)译为注解属性(Annotation Attribute),以便与类中的那些属性加以区别 — 译者注
Add the Order class:
复制代码 代码如下:

namespace ProductStore.Models
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Order
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Customer { get; set; }
// Navigation property
// 导航属性
public ICollection<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; }

Add the OrderDetail class:
复制代码 代码如下:

namespace ProductStore.Models
public class OrderDetail
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public int ProductId { get; set; }
// Navigation properties
public Product Product { get; set; }
public Order Order { get; set; }

Foreign Key Relations
An order contains many order details, and each order detail refers to a single product. To represent these relations, the OrderDetail class defines properties named OrderId and ProductId. Entity Framework will infer that these properties represent foreign keys, and will add foreign-key constraints to the database.
图2-15. 外键关系
The Order and OrderDetail classes also include “navigation” properties, which contain references to the related objects. Given an order, you can navigate to the products in the order by following the navigation properties.
Compile the project now. Entity Framework uses reflection to discover the properties of the models, so it requires a compiled assembly to create the database schema.
现在,编译这个项目。实体框架会使用反射来发现这些模型的属性,因此它需要编译后的程序集来创建相应的数据库方案(这里的数据库方案意指数据库、表结构以及关系等数据库方面的定义 — 译者注)。
Configure the Media-Type Formatters
A media-type formatter is an object that serializes your data when Web API writes the HTTP response body. The built-in formatters support JSON and XML output. By default, both of these formatters serialize all objects by value.
media-type(媒体类型)格式化器是Web API书写HTTP响应体时对数据进行序列化的一个对象。内建的格式化器支持JSON和XML输出。默认地,这两种格式化都会按值序列化所有对象。
Serialization by value creates a problem if an object graph contains circular references. That's exactly the case with the Order and OrderDetail classes, because each holds a reference to the other. The formatter will follow the references, writing each object by value, and go in circles. Therefore, we need to change the default behavior.
In Solution Explorer, expand the App_Start folder and open the file named WebApiConfig.cs. Add the following code to the WebApiConfig class:
在“解决方案资源管理器”中,展开App_Start文件夹,并打开名为WebApiConfig.cs的文件。将以下代码添加到这个WebApiConfig.cs类中(以下代码中的“新代码” — 译者注):
复制代码 代码如下:

public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
// New code:
// 新代码:
var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling =

This code sets the JSON formatter to preserve object references, and removes the XML formatter from the pipeline entirely. (You can configure the XML formatter to preserve object references, but it's a little more work, and we only need JSON for this application. For more information, see Handling Circular Object References.)
这段代码把JSON格式化器设置为防止对象引用(“新代码”第二行的作用 — 译者注),并把XML格式化器从管线(指HTTP的请求处理管线 — 译者注)中完全删除(“新代码”最后一行的作用 — 译者注)。(你也可以把XML格式化器配置成防止对象引用,但这还要做一点工作,而对于这个应用程序,我们只需要JSON。更多信息参阅“处理循环对象引用”


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