
 更新时间:2016年11月25日 15:17  点击:2036
    1.    下载PHP。推荐网址:    下载后解压到一个文件夹里,推荐解压:C:php 里。以下都将使用这一文件夹描述。
    2.    将C:php里的dlls文件夹里的所有文件复制并粘贴到C:winnt ystem32里。再将C:php下的php4ts.dll复制到C:winnt ystem32下。
    3.    用记事本打开C:php下的php.ini-dist文件。找到如下一行:extension_dir = "./" 将其改为 extension_dir = C:php 将其保存到C:winnt ystem32下,注意:名为php.ini
    4.    首先打开控制面板-〉管理工具-〉internet服务管理器-〉展开左边的目录树-〉默认web站点-〉点击右键-〉属性-〉isapi筛选器->添加->筛选器名称:php;可执行文件:C:php apiphp4isapi.dll 然后再打开默认web站点属性面板下的主目录-〉配置-〉添加-〉可执行文件:C:php apiphp4isapi.dll;扩展名:php。

ServerRoot directive
Syntax: ServerRoot directory-filename
Default: ServerRoot /usr/local/apache
Context: server config
Status: core
The ServerRoot directive sets the directory in which the server lives. Typically it will contain the subdirectories conf/ and logs/. Relative paths for other configuration files are taken as relative to this directory.
See also the -d option to httpd.
See also the security tips for information on how to properly set permissions on the ServerRoot.
ServerSignature directive
Syntax: ServerSignature Off | On | EMail
Default: ServerSignature Off
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Status: core
Compatibility: ServerSignature is only available in Apache 1.3 and later.
The ServerSignature directive allows the configuration of a trailing footer line under server-generated documents (error messages, mod_proxy ftp directory listings, mod_info output, ...). The reason why you would want to enable such a footer line is that in a chain of proxies, the user often has no possibility to tell which of the chained servers actually produced a returned error message.
The Off setting, which is the default, suppresses the error line (and is therefore compatible with the behavior of Apache-1.2 and below). The On setting simply adds a line with the server version number and ServerName of the serving virtual host, and the EMail setting additionally creates a "mailto:" reference to the ServerAdmin of the referenced document.
ServerTokens directive
Syntax: ServerTokens Minimal|OS|Full
Default: ServerTokens Full
Context: server config
Status: core
Compatibility: ServerTokens is only available in Apache 1.3 and later
This directive controls whether Server response header field which is sent back to clients includes a description of the generic OS-type of the server as well as information about compiled-in modules.
Linux可以通过Samba来实现和Windows主机互通有无的。Samba采用Client/Server架构,执行Samba客户端程序,就可以访问Windows主机上的共享资源;而运行Samba服务器,Windows主机就可以访问Linux上的共享资源。下面以Red Hat 8.0为例,介绍在Linux环境里如何访问Windows共享资源。
$ rpm -qa | grep samba

  如果没有安装过Samba软件包,则可以插入Red Hat 8.0第二张安装光盘,然后按照下面的步骤进行安装(以KDE环境为例):
  1. 鼠标依次单击主选单→系统设置→“软件包”选单项,将会打开“软件包管理”对话框。
  2. 在该对话框里找到“Windows文件服务器”,确保已经勾选该选项,然后单击对话框底部的“更新”按钮,如图2所示。
  3. 安装Samba软件包。

  1. 查询Windows主机的共享资源
  查询Windows主机的共享资源可以使用smbclient -L WindowsHostName命令。例如,要查询一台名为Peter的Windows主机上的共享资源,可以在终端窗口输入:
smbclient -L Peter

  2. 连接Windows主机的共享目录
  我们可以使用“smbclient //WindowsHostName/ShareName”命令,连接Windows主机上的某个共享文件夹。如果该共享文件夹需要用户名和密码,则可以使用“smbclient //WindowsHostName/ShareName -U UserName”命令。例如,要连接Windows主机Peter上的共享目录Share,可以在终端窗口输入:
<Location> directive
Syntax: <Location URL> ... </Location>
Context: server config, virtual host
Status: core
Compatibility: Location is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.
The <Location> directive provides for access control by URL. It is similar to the <Directory> directive, and starts a subsection which is terminated with a </Location> directive. <Location> sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory> sections and .htaccess files are read, and after the <Files> sections.
Note that URLs do not have to line up with the filesystem at all, it should be emphasized that <Location> operates completely outside the filesystem.
For all origin (non-proxy) requests, the URL to be matched is of the form /path/, and you should not include any http://servername prefix. For proxy requests, the URL to be matched is of the form scheme://servername/path, and you must include the prefix.
The URL may use wildcards In a wild-card string, `?' matches any single character, and `*' matches any sequences of characters.
Apache 1.2 and above: Extended regular expressions can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character. For example:
     <Location ~ "/(extra|special)/data">
would match URLs that contained the substring "/extra/data" or "/special/data". In Apache 1.3 and above, a new directive <LocationMatch> exists which behaves identical to the regex version of <Location>.
The Location functionality is especially useful when combined with the SetHandler directive. For example, to enable status requests, but allow them only from browsers at, you might use:
    <Location /status>
    SetHandler server-status
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    安装完成后,打开“开始”按钮中的“运行”,输入命令:C:mysqlinmysqld-nt.exe --install,并执行;
    至此,mysql安装完成,重启win2000adanced server。您还可以打开C:mysqlinwinmysqladmin.exe,在第一次用它时,需要建立管理员名及密码,我分别设置为root和(yourpassword)。关闭它后,程序自动在状态行下建立一个“红绿灯”的小图标。
    将c:winntphp.ini-dist改名为php.ini,并打开它,找到;Windows Extensions,将extension=php_calendar.dll、extension=php_zlib.dll、extension=php_ldap.dll前的“;”去掉,关闭该文件。
    接着,选中“主目录”页,单击“应用程序设置”下的“配置”按钮后,在新窗口下单击“添加”按钮;在“可执行文件”中输入“C:WINNTphp.exe     %s %s”,在“扩展名”中输入“.php”,点击“确定”。



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