php class的申明与使用方法

 更新时间:2016年11月25日 16:04  点击:1830
下面来看看在很多程序语言中会使用到的class吧,现在会举个简单的实例来实现php class,类申明,class使用方法哦。

 * Explorer! 函数库
 * 编写日期:2008-06-29
 * 最后更新:2008-07-18 2:08
class System{//系统部分
 function usr_level($name){
  $SQL = new MySQL();
  $SQL->Query("SELECT `level` FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '$name';");
  $TMP = $SQL->GetRecord('level');
  return $TMP;
 function channel_level($cid){
  $SQL = new MySQL();
  $SQL->Query("SELECT `level` FROM `channels` WHERE `id` = $id;");
  $TMP = $SQL->GetRecord('id');
  return $TMP;
 function uid2name($uid){
  $SQL = new MySQL();
  if($SQL->Query("SELECT `username` FROM `members` WHERE `uid` = $uid;")){
   $TMP = $SQL->GetRecord('username');
   return $TMP;
   return 0;
 function name2uid($name){
  $SQL = new MySQL();
  if($SQL->Query("SELECT `uid` FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '$name';")){
   $TMP = $SQL->GetRecord('uid');
   return $TMP;
   return 0;
 function sysinfo($Name){//获取系统信息
  $SQL = new MySQL();
  $SQL->Query("SELECT * FROM `sysinfo`;");
  $TMP = $SQL->GetRecord($Name);
  return $TMP;
 function find_member($name){//查找该用户(注册时需要)
  $SQL = New MySQL();
  $SQL->Query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '$name';");
  $RS = $SQL->RowS();
   return 1;
   return 0;
 function str_safe($str){//字符串安全过滤
  $str = str_replace($str,";",";");
  $str = str_replace($str,"'","‘");
  $str = str_replace($str,"/","/");
  $str = str_replace($str,"`","`");
  $str = str_replace($str,"\","\");
  return $str;
 function GetMyIP()
  elseif (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"))
   $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
  elseif (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"))
   $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
  elseif (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))
   $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
   $ip = "";
  return $ip;
 function Version(){
  return "1.0.9";
class MySQL{//数据库部分
 var $DBServer = 'localhost';//服务器
 var $DBName = '';//数据库名称
 var $DBUser = '';//数据库用户
 var $DBPass = '';//数据库密码
 var $OnErrorResume = 1;//错误提示关闭
 var $LinkID = 0;//连接句柄
 var $QueryID = 0;//查询句柄
 var $ResultS = array();//查询结果集
 var $Error = '';//错误信息
 function Connect($Srv = "",$Usr = "",$Pass = "",$DB = ""){//连接数据库
  if($Srv == "") $Srv = $this->DBServer;
  if($Usr == "") $Usr = $this->DBUser;
  if($Pass == "") $Pass = $this->DBPass;
  if($DB == "") $DB = $this->DBName;
  if($this->LinkID == 0){
   $this->LinkID = @mysql_connect($Srv,$Usr,$Pass) or die("数据库连接失败,请联系管理员修复此问题。");
  @mysql_select_db($DB,$this->LinkID) or die("数据库选择失败,请联系管理员修复此问题。");
  return $this->LinkID;
 function Free(){//释放查询结果
  $this->QueryID = 0;
 function RowS(){//查询到的记录总数
  if(!$this->QueryID) return 0;
  return @mysql_num_rows($this->QueryID);
 function NextRecord(){//下一条记录
  if(!$this->QueryID) return 0;
  $this->ResultS = @mysql_fetch_array($this->QueryID);
 function Seek($seek){
  if(!$this->QueryID) return 0;
 function Query($Sql){//执行查询
  if($Sql == "") return 0;
  if($this->LinkID == 0) $this->Connect();
  if($this->QueryID) $this->Free();//释放原来查询结果
  $this->QueryID = @mysql_query($Sql,$this->LinkID);
  $this->Error = mysql_error($this->LinkID);
  if(!$this->QueryID) exit("$Sql执行失败."); 
  return $this->QueryID; 
 function GetRecord($Name){
  if(!$this->QueryID) return 0;
  return $this->ResultS[$Name];

这是一个简单的用php 实现的模板教程物。

                      private  $path = "." ;          #根目录        
                   private $var;
                   private $tplDir = "template"; #模板存储目录
                   private $tplExt = "tpl";      #模板文件的后缀名
                   private $tplId = 0 ;   #模板的ID号
                   private $compileDir = "template_c";  #编译后的php文件存放目录
                   private $isCache=false ; #是否用缓存 (默认不启动)
                   private $cacheId = 1; #缓存文件ID号
                   private $cacheLeftTime=3600; #缓存有效期 (默认保存3600秒)
                   private $cacheDir = "cache"; #缓存文件存储目录
                   private $autoRefresh = false ; #是否自动刷新
                   private $pattern = array(
                                           "/({dw:)s*foreachs*(.+)s*ass*(.+)s*(/})/i",#foreach 语句
                                           "/({dw:)s*ends*foreachs*(/})/i",           #foreach 结束
                   private $replacement = array(
                                           '<?php echo $this->inc_file("\2"); ?>',
                                           "<?php echo $\2;?>",
                                           "<?php global $\2;n echo $\2; ?>",
                                           "<?php foreach($\2 as $\3){ ?>",
                                           "<?php } ?>",
                                           "<?php if (\2) {  ?>" ,
                                           "<?php }else if(\2){ ?>",
                                           "<?php }else{ ?>",
                                           "<?php  } ?>",
                   function __construct($path = "", $tplDir="", $compileDir="",$isCache="",$cacheLeftTime="",$cacheDir="" ,$autoRefresh="")
                           $this->path = $path ? $path : $this->path ;
                           $this->tplDir = $tplDir ? $tplDir : $this->tplDir ;
                           $this->compileDir = $compileDir ? $compileDir : $this->compileDir ;
                           $this->isCache = is_bool($isCache) ? $isCache : $this->isCache ;
                           $this->cacheLeftTime = $cacheLeftTime ? $cacheLeftTime : $this->cacheLeftTime ;
                           $this->cacheDir = $cacheDir ? $cacheDir : $this->cacheDir ;
                           $this->autoRefresh = is_bool($autoRefresh) ? $autoRefresh : $this->autoRefresh ;
                   function TEMPLATE($path = "", $tplDir="", $compileDir="",$isCache="",$cacheLeftTime="",$cacheDir="" ,$autoRefresh="")
                           $this->__construct($path = "", $tplDir="", $compileDir="",$isCache="",$cacheLeftTime="",$cacheDir="" ,$autoRefresh="");
                   function  __get($property)
                           return $this->$property ;
                   function __set($property,$value)
                           return $this->$property = $value ;
        # $tplVal 模板中的变量名                  
                   function assign($tplVal ,$value="")
                           if (is_array($tplVal))
                                   foreach ($tplVal as $key => $val)
                                           if (!empty($key))
                                           $this->var[$key] = $val ;
                           else {
                                   if (!empty($tplVal))
                                   $this->var[$tplVal] = $value ;
                   function display($tplFile,$tplId=0,$cacheId = 1,$cacheLeftTime="")
                           if (empty($tplFile)) die("Template "{$tplFile}" not exist !");
                           $this->cacheId = $cacheId ?  md5($cacheId) : md5($this->cacheId);
                           $cacheFile = $this->path. "/".$this->cacheDir."/".$tplFile.$this->cacheId ;
                           if ($this->check_cache($cacheFile,$cacheLeftTime))  #当缓存文件存在且不过期时直接从缓存文件读取内容
                                   echo $this->read_file($cacheFile);
                           }else {
                              $tpl = $this->path."/".$this->tplDir."/".$tplFile.".".$this->tplExt;
                              $tplContent = $this->read_file($tpl);   #读取模板文件的内容
                             $compileContent= $this->compile_file($tplContent); #对读取出来的文件进行编译
                             $this->tplId = $tplId ? $tplId : $this->tplId ;
                             $compileFile = $this->path."/".$this->compileDir."/".md5($this->tplId)."".$tplFile.".php";
                           $content = ob_get_contents() ;
                           ob_end_clean() ;
                           if ($this->isCache){
                            $this->write_file($cacheFile,$content) ;# 帮编译好的内容写入缓存文件
                           echo $content ;
/*                   function  trim_tag($content)
                           $content = str_replace($this->startTag,"",$content);
                           $content = str_replace($this->endTag,"",$content);
                           //$content = trim($content);
                           return $content ;
                   # 编译文件函数
                   function compile_file($content=null)
                           $content = $content ? $content :die("Compile fail!") ;
                           //$content = $this->trim_tag($content);
                           $content = preg_replace($this->pattern,$this->replacement,$content);
                           return $content;
                   function inc_file($filename,$tplId="",$cacheId="",$cacheLeftTime="")
                           $file = $this->path."/".$this->tplDir."/".$filename ;
                           if (file_exists($file))
                                   $filename = str_replace(".".$this->tplExt,"",$filename);
                           return         $this->display($filename,$tplId,$cacheId,$cacheLeftTime);
                           else die("Template "{$filename}" not exist");
                   function  read_file($filename)
                           if (!file_exists($filename)) die("Read file fail") ;
                           return file_get_contents($filename);
                   function write_file($filename,$content,$mode="wb")
                           $filename = trim($filename);
                           $content = $content ? stripslashes(trim($content)) : exit();
                           if (!file_exists($filename))
                                   $array = explode("/",$filename);
                                   $count = count($array);
                                   $path = "";
                                   for ($i = 0 ; $i <$count-1 ; ++$i )
                                           if(!file_exists($path .= $array[$i]."/"))
                           $handle = fopen($filename,$mode) ;
                           return true;       
                   # 清除缓存
                   function clear_dir($dir="")
                           $dir = $this->path."/".$dir;
                           $handle = opendir($dir);
                           if (file_exists($dir))
                                   while ($file = readdir($handle))
                                           if ($file !="." && $file != "..")
                             return true;
                           else {
                                   return false;
                   function clear_all_cache()
                           if ($this->clear_dir($this->cacheDir) && $this->clear_dir($this->compileDir))
                           return true;
                   function check_cache($cacheFile,$cacheLeftTime="")
                           $cacheLeftTime = $cacheLeftTime ? $cacheLeftTime : $this->cacheLeftTime;
                           if (!file_exists($cacheFile)) return false ;
                          $time = $this->get_time($cacheFile) + $cacheLeftTime ;
                           if ($time <time())
                                   return false;
                           return true;
                   # 获取文件最后编辑时间
                   function get_time($filename)
                           if (!file_exists($filename)) return false;
                           return filemtime($filename);



php 读取 sogourank 与 ChinaRank信息

function sogouRank($domain)
 $rank = '';
 $pr = 0;
 $content = get_content(''.$domain);
 if(preg_match("/</span>([0-9]{1,})</dd>/", $content, $matches))
  $pr = intval($matches[1]);
  $width = ceil(65*$pr/100);
  $rank = '<img src="./images/sg_left.gif" width="2" height="11" /><img src="./images/sg_left_img.gif" width="'.$width.'" height="11" /><img src="./images/sg_right_img.gif" width="'.(65-$width).'" height="11" /><img src="./images/sg_right.gif" width="2" height="11" />';
 $rank = '<a href="'.$domain.'" target="_blank" title="搜狗Rank:'.$pr.'">'.$rank.'</a> '.$pr;
 return $rank;

function ChinaRank($domain)
 $rank = '';
 $content = get_content(''.$domain);
 if(preg_match("/<strong>排名</strong>(.*)</tr>/", $content, $matches))
  $p = trim(str_replace('</td>', '', $matches[1]));
  $p = explode("<td>", $p);
  if(isset($p[1])) $rank.= ' 今日:'.$p[1];
  if(isset($p[2])) $rank.= ' 本周:'.$p[2];
  if(isset($p[3])) $rank.= ' 三月:'.$p[3];
 $rank = '<a href="'.$domain.'" target="_blank">'.$rank.'</a>';
 return $rank;

php 读取 alexa信息

function Alexa($domain)
 $alexa = '';
 $content = get_content(''.$domain);
 if(preg_match("/3 mos. Change([sS]*?)</table>/", $content, $matches))
  $change = strpos($matches[1], 'down_arrow.gif') ? '下降' : '上升';
  $p = strip_tags($matches[1], '<td>');
  $p = trim(str_replace(array("&nbsp;", "n", "</td>"), array('', '', ''), $p));
  $p = explode("<td>", $p);
  if(isset($p[1])) $alexa.= ' 今日:'.$p[1];
  if(isset($p[2])) $alexa.= ' 本周:'.$p[2];
  if(isset($p[3])) $alexa.= ' 本月:'.$p[3];
  if(isset($p[4])) $alexa.= ' '.$change.':'.$p[4];
 if(preg_match("/Review for $domain:</span> (.*)<br>/", $content, $matches))
  $alexa = $alexa.' 等级:'.$matches[1];
 $alexa = '<a href="'.$domain.'" target="_blank">'.$alexa.'</a>';
 return $alexa;


function get_content($url)
 if(!strpos($url, '://')) return 'Invalid URI';
 $content = '';
  $content = file_get_contents($url);
  $handle = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
  curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
  $content = curl_exec($handle);
  $urlinfo = parse_url($url);
  $host = $urlinfo['host'];
  $str = explode($host, $url);
  $uri = $str[1];
  unset($urlinfo, $str);
  $content = '';
  $fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
   $content = 'Can Not Open Socket...';
   $out = "GET $uri   HTTP/1.1rn";
   $out.= "Host: $host rn";
   $out.= "Accept: */*rn";
   $out.= "User-Agent: $_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]rn";
   $out.= "Connection: Closernrn";
   fputs($fp, $out);
   while (!feof($fp))
    $content .= fgets($fp, 4069);
 if(empty($content)) $content = 'Can Not Open Url, Please Check You Server ... <br/>For More Information, Please Visit;
 return $content;



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